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Hi there ! I would like to welcome you to my web site on India. This site contains  a lot of information on India. In Fact, it's the best site on the web about India. If you want to know anything about India then you have come to the right site. This site is excellent for people of all ages.

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So, let's begin ! Just click on any one of the links on the left which suit your needs. If you have a more specific search then just go to the search form. This home page is going to give you a brief introduction to India. I hope this site is helpful to you, I think it will be. Enjoy !!!

-Abhishek Sood

  - The Taj Mahal

India is a large country in southern Asia. It is the second largest country in the world in population. The river valleys of northeastern India are among the most densely populated places in the world. India ranks seventh in the world in area. 

India has great varieties and differences in both its land and its people. The land includes a desert, jungles, and one of the world's rainiest areas. India also has broad plains, mighty rivers, the tallest mountain system in the world, and tropical lowlands. The people of India belong to many different ethnic groups and religions. They speak 14 major languages and more than 1,000 minor languages and dialects. Some Indians have great wealth. But many others cannot pay for the bare necessities of life. 

Many ways of life in India have stayed the same for hundreds of years. These ancient customs may be seen side by side with the latest developments in science and technology. Cows, which India's millions of Hindus consider sacred, roam freely in many areas. 

For hundreds of years, India meant mystery, wealth, and excitement to people of the Western world. Early European explorers, traders, and adventurers travelled to India for jewels, rugs, silks, spices, and other valuable articles. Christopher Columbus was looking for an easier route to India when he arrived in America. 

India no longer ranks among the wealthy nations of the world. India has great natural resources, including farmland, ores, and petroleum, but most of the resources have not been sufficiently developed. As a result, the country has a low standard of living. Living conditions are overcrowded throughout India. The over crowding continues to get worse every year because India's population keeps growing. Government sponsored family planning programmes have been partially successful in limiting population growth. Refugees from neighbouring countries have added to the population. 

India was a British colony from the late 1700's until it gained independence in 1947. Since then, the Indian government has been trying to develop the country's resources and improve the standard of living. For example, the development of new varieties of seeds and the improved use of fertilizers and irrigation have helped the country's agricultural production to grow more rapidly than the consumption needs of its population. As a result, there has been no major famine in India since independence and life expectancy has risen by about 25 years. 

The government has worked to stimulate industrial growth, and India has become one of the world's largest industrial nations. India has a greater percentage of its young people attending college than most other developing countries do. It has more scientists and skilled workers than most other countries. India has built nuclear reactors and launched weather and communications satellites. It has scientific bases in Antarctica.



Last Revised : 09/08/2001

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